Discovery of Self Retreats

The "discovery of self" process is defined as a conforming arrangement of relational behaviors employed in response to a lifetime search of a personal, axial, life principle. This life-principal, called "Personal Ideal", represents both the essence of the each individual's unique personality, as well as a lifetime task.  

Mantaining a continuous "discovery of self" process is relevant to personal, social and spiritual development. For instance, there is significant empirical evidence suggesting that a sense of "personal fulfillment" is strongly related to the discovery of self process. Conversely, individuals with a weak sense of purpose or "calling" in life seem to display low levels of personal fulfillment and life satisfaction.

A Discovery of Self Retreat is designed to allow each retreatant to explore, identify and put in perspective sufficient personality attributes to canvas a Personal Ideal. The retreat accomplishes this objective through a series of reflective exercises, meditations and personal prayer. Retreatans that have discovered their Personal Ideral are encouraged to complete a series of exercises directed at facilitating more depth and breadth in their sspiritual development.

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